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 Live Online Church Services: If you would like to watch church service live from home you can do so on just search for GA Lutheran Church on YouTube, or click the link for Live Services under the Service Bulletin tab on the church website. The bulletin for each Sunday will be posted on the church website if you would like to view it while you listen to the service. If you miss the live service a recording will also be posted on the church website which you can view at anytime. Any questions just ask. Thank you and spread the word. 


Ash Wednesday Service: Wednesday March 5th at 6:15pm


Midweek Lenten Services: Holden Evening Prayer worship service will be held on Wednesdays beginning March 12th - April 9th. A soup and sandwich meal will be served from 5-6 PM followed by worship at 6:15 PM. 


 Lent: Our midweek Lenten Theme is “Unbroken: A Living Faith.” When so many people identify themselves as Christian how can we spend some time thinking deeply about what we really believe? What is the what? What are the foundational beliefs and how are they living and moving with us as we change and grow? Faith is passed down from generation to generation - it’s an unbroken line of ancestry that connects us all the way back to Jesus. The powers of the world wanted to break Jesus and yet this faith that we rest on is strong enough that they couldn’t do it. We are a part of this great tradition that will not and cannot be broken.


GASP: G.A.S.P. (Gwinner After School Program). We will be hosting this program on Wednesdays throughout the school year from 3:30-5pm for grades k-6. Kids will enjoy a snack, help with homework/reading, and a time for music. Registration is required, please click the link or complete a printed form at the church. Thanks!


Sunday School: "Following Jesus Through Luke" is the theme for our next six-week session of Sunday Elementary Faith Formation held February 2 - March 16. The Gospel of Luke is filled with inspiring stories and parables that help us remember what it looks like to follow Jesus. For six weeks we are going to read stories of Jesus’ life and ministry and learn to follow Jesus in our life today. From Jesus' visit to Nazareth to calling the disciples, we will discover what it looks like to be called by Jesus and how when we follow in his footsteps, we can change the world around us. At Gustaf Adolf, our Sunday morning faith formation follows a workshop model created by Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Burke, VA. Kids get to pick an age-appropriate workshop to engage in for the six week session. Please register your child(ren) for ONE of the following workshops that they will attend for the entire six weeks: Gospel Games/Flag Football – Legos - Beads, String, & Jesus - Abstract Art. Registration is free and helps us prepare material for each workshop. Register online at or pick up registration forms available at GA Church. Sunday morning faith formation is available for kids 3 years old - 6th grade. Contact Kirstin Kemple or Pastor Jaime for more information.