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GA Church has many different groups that are very active for our adults and youth. Here is a list of a few of them.  If you would like more information on any of the groups please feel free to contact us at




WELCA: (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) this is a group that is comprised of all women that are members of GA Church. Purpose Statement: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. We all need the church at specific times – either for a joyful celebration or at a time of mourning. While we all use the privileges at some time, we also have to assume responsibilities. These responsibilities include working and serving, or at times giving a monetary donation to help with expenses. If you’re a new member to G.A. Church, it’s a good way to socialize and get to know other churchwomen.  Please be willing to give your time in ministry to others.  WELCA serves coffee and snacks every sunday and holds an annual bake sale and other events to raise money for GA Church and youth programs. Check out their website at 

YOGA: YOGA is the Youth of Gustaf Adolf (YOGA). It is comprised of students grades 7-12.  They do many fundraisers throughout the year such as a Pie auction, car show and Easter Breakfast. They also take an annual canoe trip and attend the National Youth Gathering, along with other events to keep the youth active in the ministry of GA Church.

Men's Group:  The men's group consists of all the men that are current members of GA Church. Men’s Group holds an annual lutefisk meal and other events throughout the year.  The proceeds are used for church and parsonage maintenance.  The Men’s Group also helps the youth with monetary support so they can attend bible camp and regional or national conferences.

Bits N' Stitches Quilting: Is a quiltinggroup from GA Lutheran church. We became organized in October 2012 at the suggestion of our then Pastor Anda Johnson. We let it be known that we would use any pieces of material, sheets and blankets that were donated to us. Hence, the name Bits 'n Stitches. We use whatever is sent our way to make quilts that are then given to those in need. We have sent 64 quilts to World Relief. We have made quilts specifically to be used as a fund raiser, for 4 different occasions. We give quilts to the graduating seniors at GA. We donate a quilt to the Post Prom event at our school. We have made many baby blankets and quilts and given them to a home for expectant mothers in Fargo. We donated 13 quilts to SENDCAA, an organization that helps those in need when getting set up in their new homes. These will be given out in Richland, Ransom and Sargent county first and then to those in other counties. Several quilts have been given to Churches United to be used as needed. We have also made pillowcases into dresses for little girls. We sent several with a nurse traveling on a medical mission. We would not have been so successful, had it not been for the donations of thread, scissors, sewing supplies, fabric, blankets and mattress pads for filler. We have been "gifted" with a large roll of batting, and all kinds of fabrics, blue jeans, and even curtains. We make quilts from whatever we are blessed with and it is almost uncanny how the quilts we have made, are just perfect for the person that receives them.  It is easy to see God's hand in our quilting group.  Bits 'n Stitches has been a group of 4 that met on Thursday mornings from 9:00 to noon. Some people have sewn items at home and donated them to help us also. This year we added another member making us 5. We welcome anyone, and no sewing experience is necessary, we will guide you. We feel blessed to be able to make warm blankets for others. Come join the Bits 'n Stitches!

Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the physical settings for the corporate liturgical life of the congregation.  Our weekly duties include preparing holy communion, changing the paraments and banners, preparing for Baptisms, watering the plants for the altar, changing the hymns on the board, and preparing our acolytes for the service.  Once a year we also decorate the sanctuary's Christmas tree and polish all brass and gold items.  The last Tuesday of each month, we meet to discuss any business of the church that relates to our duties.  Every month, two or three women are assigned to prepare for the Sunday service.  We welcome any new members who would like to join the Altar Guild. 

Ruth Circle:is an adult bible study group that meets the first Thursday of every month at 2:30 PM. If you are interested in joining the Ruth Circle feel free to contact us.